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Mini Blog: How to Pitch Anybody, Anywhere

If you’ve ever watched an episode of Shark Tank, you know that entrepreneurs on the show have a limited amount of time to make a big impression. And though most of us don’t have to pitch in such high-stress environments, our pitches are just as important.

That’s because pitching is simply selling the concept of your product or service to your target audience or potential client.

You’ll pitch on social media, at networking events, and even on phone calls.

And while your pitch doesn’t always have to be super formal (that depends upon the environment/circumstances in which you’re delivering it) having a solid pitch can be the difference in coming across as amateurish and uncertain rather than confident and professional.

Though no two pitches should sound the same, they should all cover some of the same key points. When you’re pitching, the goal is to pique the listener’s (or reader’s) interest in a short amount of time. Essentially, you have to get to the heart of your business idea as thoroughly, quickly, and interestingly as possible.

So, to create your best, most interesting pitch here’s what you’ll need:

A Hook:

The hook is something that catches your audiences’ immediate attention. It can be a fact, startling statistic, even a song or dance. Whatever gets the job done. The hook just needs to be attention-grabbing. You have permission to get creative.

The What:

Explain what you have to offer. Don’t try to fancy it up with slick words. Use plain language and if you have to use industry terms, try to make them as easily understood as possible.

For Whom:

Identify and describe the people who will most benefit from what you have to offer. Give only the most important details. How do you decide what’s important? Think about what will most likely influence your intended audience to take the action you want them to take.

And Why:

Why does your audience need what you’re offering? Describe the problem it will solve for them, the impact it will have on their lives, or how it will make them better.

The Difference:

Explain what makes your offer different or better than what’s already out there? If you can’t think of a tangible difference, you have just a little bit of work to do.

End with a Slogan/Tagline:

You may or may not decide to have a tagline. If you do, it should be a creative, clever, and memorable one-liner that describes your idea. Some favorite taglines are:

  • Just Do It!

  • Where’s the Beef?

  • Melt in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hands.


Address all of the above points in one-three minutes. People are quickly bored. The less of their time you require, the better.

If you’ve never pitched before or need a pitch refresher, this just be a great start.

About Prose & Pens:

Prose & Pens provides content writing and brand messaging services for businesses and professionals. To learn more, visit


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